I’ve often questioned what makes someone an expert.
This questioning ultimately led me on a journey to discover the power of sharing stories and diverse perspectives beyond visual communication, unexpectedly through the act of public speaking.
As a visual storyteller, I am well aware of the powerful impact that visuals can have on social change. As a graphic recorder, I'm more than happy to be silent while I attentively listen and graphic record for incredible speakers in real-time. That is why, it was to my surprise, that last year I found myself unexpectedly on the opposite side of this position! I was invited to speak at a local Q & A for a book launch as well as on a panel at a conference interstate. Nervous? Yes! The unexpected surprise? The very real and tangible ripples that live discussions evoked in the room!
Not only did these panel sessions create further conversations, connections and action, but they also highlighted for me that we are the experts in our own lived experiences and that by opening up and sharing our stories we can come together to strengthen our communities and deepen our understanding about different ways of knowing, being and contributing in the world!
So let's connect not as "experts," but as learners on a shared journey with the power of spoken and visual communication!
Although I may not consider myself an expert, by sharing my story, I've learned the profound impact of connecting and collaborating through live discussions to make positive change. As a result, I'm embracing this challenge - to stand up and speak about topics that I care deeply about, such as the ones listed below:
Allies and Advocates: Sharing stories and strategies learned from alongside First Nations communities on the path to a more just future.
Beyond the Brushstrokes: Lessons learned from my 20-year journey, demystifying the creative career where artistic passion meets business savvy
More Than Pictures: ️ Unleashing the power of visuals for social change! Explore how compelling narratives empower voices and shape a more inclusive world.
Do these themes resonate with you and your organisation? Ready to ignite conversations and action? Get in touch - speaking and live illustrating opportunities await!